London Pride

Ku Bar Pride

Above is the rainbow balloon wall for Ku Bar ready for London Pride weekend. Balloons provide a powerful rainbow effect when bunched together in walls or arches.

In the week before the parade we installed several walls across the city in office receptions and staff restaurants. These helped promote a buzz with selfie photos and provided a big reminder of the weekend ahead.

As well as decorations in banking office blocks we delivered arches and rainbow bunches to branches across the city. This created excitement to both branch staff and customers as they enjoyed a rainbow selfie and again a reminder that it was pride week.

In 2019 we followed Pride around the UK from city to city but London Pride was on such a bigger scale. We setup near the start to deliver to various floats. We thought a quick getaway after would be easy but people were marching across the start line all day (we were constantly asked where the toilets were). Eventually after a parking ticket we were clear at around 6pm.

See also 27 walls for Pride 2019.

All went very well david. 
Will get you some images when the professional pics come through. 
Book us in now for next year please.

London Pride